Threat Database Browser Hijackers

By Sumo3000 in Browser Hijackers

Most PC security researchers are familiar with CC Search, a textbook example of a common online scam which takes the form of a fake search engine. CC Search is associated with a large number of a domain names, browser hijackers and malicious websites. is another variation of the many domain names used by clones of CC Search in order to attack a large number of potential victims. is also a browser hijacker designed to force its victims to visit CC Search by taking control of the infected computer system's Internet browser. There are many clones of, typically named by adding a random word (usually an adjective) to the words 'searchsystem'. In the case of, the nonsensical word Crackajack was used, probably generated randomly with the use of a simple script. is just one of an extremely large number of clones of CC Search. The fact that CC Search has such a large amount of clones can make particularly difficult to block and contain. This is because it is exponentially harder to protect a computer system from every clone of CC Search than it is to automatically generate new versions of the website and browser hijacker. Because of this, ESG PC security researchers recommend taking preventative measures in order to avoid becoming a victim of the browser hijacker and of the CC Search fake search engine.

Understanding the Dangers of Websites like

Being redirected to CC Search may seem like a minor annoyance to many computer users. However, it is important to understand that websites and browser hijackers like are not only dangerous because of their effects, but because of their malware associations. The presence of the browser hijacker on an infected computer system is a definitive sign of a Trojan infection. Even worse, Trojans associated with the browser hijacker (such as the Google Redirect Virus) are closely linked to some of the most difficult to eradicate malware threats, rootkits such as the TDSS rootkit and the ZeroAccess rootkit. CC Search is also expressly designed to direct its victims to websites which, due to their unsafe content, will typically not be listed in legitimate search engines (such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing.) This is why it is very likely that a browser hijacker infection will lead to other malware threats infecting the victim's computer system.


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