Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 3,516
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 433
First Seen: May 21, 2023
Last Seen: September 27, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

After analyzing the website, cybersecurity researchers confirmed that it is a rogue site. Indeed, employs deceptive methods to trick visitors into granting it relevant browser permissions. More specifically, the ability to deliver push notifications. Users often encounter websites similar to unintentionally, as a result of forced redirects triggered by other untrustworthy destinations that use rogue advertising networks.

False Scenarios and Clickbait Messages are Often Used by Rogue Sites Like

The message 'Click Allow to confirm that you are not a robot!' displayed on is designed to mislead visitors by creating the impression that it is a legitimate CAPTCHA verification process intended to prevent bots. However, in reality, clicking the 'Allow' button grants permission for the website to display notifications.

Through a comprehensive investigation, it has been discovered that employs the notification system to deliver deceptive content, including counterfeit security alerts and similar messages. These notifications serve as a platform for promoting dubious websites that engage in various deceptive practices. Such practices may involve enticing visitors to disclose sensitive information, download adware, browser hijackers, malware, contact fraudulent technical support numbers, or engage in other unsafe activities.

Based on the extensive findings, it is strongly advised not to grant notifications permission to or any other similarly dubious page. It also is necessary to remain vigilant, as may redirect visitors to other suspicious websites. For example, was found to lead to a tactic resembling the 'AMAZON TRIAL' scheme.

Pay Attention to the Signs that Point to a Fake CAPTCHA Check

Differentiating between a fake CAPTCHA check and a legitimate one requires users to be observant and attentive to certain signs that can indicate the authenticity or lack thereof. By paying close attention to these indicators, users can make informed judgments about the legitimacy of the CAPTCHA checks they encounter.

One key sign to consider is the context in which the CAPTCHA check appears. Legitimate CAPTCHA checks are typically encountered on websites or platforms where user verification is necessary for security purposes, such as during account creation, login processes, or when submitting forms. If a CAPTCHA check appears unexpectedly or in an unrelated context, it may be a red flag signaling a potential fake.

Examining the design and presentation of the CAPTCHA check also is essential. Legitimate CAPTCHA checks often have a consistent and professional appearance, displaying clear instructions and recognizable elements such as distorted characters, checkboxes or image selections. Fake CAPTCHA checks may exhibit poor design quality, unusual layouts, grammatical errors or inconsistent visuals. These discrepancies can indicate that the CAPTCHA check is not genuine.

Furthermore, the behavior or actions required by the CAPTCHA check can provide insights into its authenticity. Legitimate CAPTCHA checks typically involve simple tasks that verify human interaction, such as entering alphanumeric codes or selecting specific images. Fake CAPTCHA checks may ask for excessive personal information, require payment, or prompt users to download additional software, which are indications of fraudulent intent.

Lastly, considering the reputation and trustworthiness of the website or platform where the CAPTCHA check is encountered can be helpful. Legitimate websites with strong security measures are more likely to implement genuine CAPTCHA checks, while suspicious or unfamiliar websites may employ fake CAPTCHA checks as part of their fraudulent activities.

By being vigilant and analyzing the context, design, purpose, required actions, and reputation of the website or platform, users can discern the signs that differentiate a fake CAPTCHA check from a legitimate one. This awareness allows users to make informed decisions and protect themselves from potential scams, phishing attempts or other fraudulent activities.

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