Threat Database Ransomware Blue Eagle Ransomware

Blue Eagle Ransomware

By GoldSparrow in Ransomware

The Blue Eagle Ransomware is a ransomware Trojan that was first observed carrying out attacks on October 19, 2017. The most common way in which the Blue Eagle Ransomware is distributed is through the use of spam email messages that include corrupted file attachments. However, the Blue Eagle Ransomware also can be distributed in a variety of ways, including hacking into a computer directly by taking advantage of poor security (such as an unprotected Remote Desktop Protocol connection) or through bogus online software downloads. The Blue Eagle Ransomware poses a real threat to the victims' data, and the only way to prevent such infections is by taking precautions against the Blue Eagle Ransomware and other encryption ransomware Trojans that are active currently.

A Beautiful Bird’s Name Being Used to Name an Ugly Infection

The Blue Eagle Ransomware does not seem to belong to a larger family of ransomware and seems to be an independent threat. However, the Blue Eagle Ransomware attack is nearly identical to most active ransomware Trojans, encrypting the victim's files using AES encryption and targeting the user-generated files that may include audio, video, photos, images, documents, and numerous other file types. The Blue Eagle Ransomware will encrypt all files matching a list of commonly used file extensions, making them inaccessible. Some of the file types targeted by these threats are listed below:

.aif, .apk, .arj, .asp, .bat, .bin, .cab, .cda, .cer, .cfg, .cfm, .cpl, .css, .csv, .cur, .dat, .deb, .dmg, .dmp, .doc, .docx, .drv, .gif, .htm, .html, .icns, .iso, .jar, .jpeg, .jpg, .jsp, .log, .mid, .mp3, .mp4, .mpa, .odp, .ods, .odt, .ogg,.part, .pdf, .php, .pkg, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .psd, .rar, .rpm, .rss, .rtf, .sql, .svg, .tar.gz, .tex, .tif, .tiff, .toast, .txt, .vcd, .wav, .wks, .wma, .wpd, .wpl, .wps, .wsf, .xlr, .xls, .xlsx, .zip.

The Blue Eagle Ransomware’s Ransom Demands and Threats

After the Blue Eagle Ransomware has finished encrypting the victim's files, the Blue Eagle Ransomware will show a ransom note demanding the payment of a ransom in exchange for the decryption key needed to recover the affected files. The full text of the Blue Eagle Ransomware's ransom note reads:

'Blue Eagle Ransomware
tills rderboonivare was LUtleti try loaner woe eagle) So to sum up [All of your usable files have been encrypted safely].
How do i set my files free?
You can use Decrypt in this Program,simply But it will ask you for a password , So to get the password you have to pay me at bitcoin and don't close internet connection , because closing internet connection will lead you to lose Connection to AI ("Verci") because every PC has it's own signature , so if you don't follow the steps you will lose your files forever .
How do I get password ?
Just we told you Step #1 : Never Stop Internet connection (you will be at risk)
Step #2 : Pay Bitcoin (1.25) and the AI will send you the Password (Once you receive password Decrypt and reinstall new windows version).
My Bitcoin : Sorry Man This is a Massive Destruction Test
[Check for Payment|BUTTON]
File Extensions
[Decrypt my files|BUTTON]'

The Blue Eagle Ransomware demands a ransom payment of thousands of dollars at the current exchange rate. However, you must avoid paying this ransom. It is very unlikely that the extortionists will provide the decryption key after the payment is carried out. They are just as likely to disappear with the victim's money, leaving the victim's files corrupted and unusable.

Protecting Your Data from Threats Like the Blue Eagle Ransomware

The best way to protect your data from threats like the Blue Eagle Ransomware is to use a reliable file backup method. Having file backups is the only way that computer users can restore their files after a Blue Eagle Ransomware attack. File backups, combined with a security program fully updated, can help computer users protect their data from attacks like the Blue Eagle Ransomware completely.


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