Threat Database Ransomware BlueCheeser Ransomware

BlueCheeser Ransomware

The BlueCheeser Ransomware is one of the newest ransomware threats spotted lurking the Web. Ransomware threats are a very common malware type, and an increasing number of cyber crooks seem to be developing and distributing them. This is likely due to the fact that even inexperienced cybercriminals can spawn a functioning data-locking Trojan using a ransomware building kit.

Propagation and Encryption

Authors of ransomware threats use a variety of common propagation methods when it comes to distributing their creations. Some of the most popular ones are bogus software updates and downloads, fake pirated copies of applications, spam emails containing macro-laced attachments, torrent trackers, malvertising campaigns and others. Most ransomware threats are designed to be able to encrypt a very long list of file types. The reason behind this is that it increases the chances of the attackers being paid. Rest assured that the BlueCheeser Ransomware will lock all your .jpeg, .jpg, .mp3, .mp4, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .mov, .rar, .png, .xls, xlsx, .ppt, .pptx and other files. Upon locking the targeted files, the BlueCheeser Ransomware appends a new extension – ‘.himr.’ This means that if the user had a file named ‘blue-suede.mp3’ before the attack, the file would be renamed to ‘blue-suede.mp3.himr’ after the encryption process has been concluded.

The Ransom Note

The BlueCheeser Ransomware drops a ransom note on the user’s system. The message of the attackers can be found in a file named ‘Instructions.txt.’ In the note, the authors of the BlueCheeser Ransomware state that if the users want to receive a decryption tool that will help them recover their data, they will have to pay $400. The ransom fee is demanded via Bitcoin, as this will help protect the identities of the attackers. Interestingly enough, the attackers have not added any contact details. Therefore, it is not clear how the user can get in touch with them.

We would advise you against paying the ransom fee. There is little to no chance that you will receive the decryption key you need to recover your files. Instead, you should consider investing in a reputable anti-virus solution that will rid you of the BlueCheeser Ransomware.


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