
By JubileeX in Worms

We know too well that scrupulous hackers are in the business of spreading malicious software, known as malware, to as many computers over the internet as they can. A computer worm created by these hackers, known as Blackout, is a parasite that spreads through IRC channels (chat client channels).

The Blackout worm uses mIRC chat clients to replicate malicious files within those IRC channels. IRC channels are Internet Relay Chat channels or what some computer users known as a well-known form of real-time internet chat (text messaging) utilized by many different internet chat client software. Blackout worm may be spread through such internet messaging platforms that utilize certain IRC channels. The Blackout worm may prove to be difficult to manually detect and remove in some instances. It is best to avoid the hassle by utilizing a reputable spyware detection and removal tool to seek out and remove Blackout and any related malware files.

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