Threat Database Ransomware BiggyLocker Ransomware

BiggyLocker Ransomware

BiggyLocker is a malware threat that can devastate infected computers completely. The threat is capable of running an encryption routine that locks the files stored on the device with a combination of uncrackable cryptographic algorithms. Affected victims will find themselves unable to access their PDFs, documents, archived, databases, photos, etc. It should be noted that BiggyLocker appears to be a fairly unique threat because, so far, it hasn't been attributed to any of the already established ransomware families.

The extension used by BiggyLocker Ransomware to mark the files it has locked is '.$big$.' Upon completing its encryption process, the threat will drop a note with instructions for the victims. The file carrying the ransom note is named 'read_me.txt' and will most likely be created on the Desktop of the system.

According to the note, the threat uses the AES and RSA algorithms in its encryption. To obtain the necessary decryption key, users will have to pay the hackers a ransom of $120. The money must be transferred using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency and sent to one of the two provided crypto-wallet addresses. After completing the transaction, victims are expected to send proof to the '' email address.

Sending any amount of money to the unscrupulous people behind ransomware threats is never a good idea. Users risk exposing themselves to additional risk, not to mention incurring monetary losses if the hackers decide to simply move on without honoring their part of the deal.

The full text of the note dropped by BiggyLocker Ransomware is:

'$$$BiggyLocker$$$ ransomware
Your files are encrypted with a AES and RSA algorithm , it is unbreakable .
you can't recover your files without our decryption service , the price is 120 USD in bitcoin
after the payment you must email us at :
to prove us that you not use any decryption tools because those tools will just destroy your files , making recover impossible .

- do not rename your files .

- our bitcoin address : 36zvYAn9vtbWQFcKcidPKhcuAz6woMszE9

- we guarantee you will receive the decryption software after the payment .


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