During their examination of suspicious and intrusive applications, information security (infosec) researchers came across Upon conducting a thorough analysis of this application, the experts determined that it functions as typical adware. This means that is specifically designed to generate income for its developers by executing unwanted advertising campaigns once installed by users. Additionally, has been linked to the Pirrit malware family and seems to target Mac users primarily. May Expose Users to Privacy and Security Risks

Adware functions by presenting third-party graphical content, such as coupons, banners, pop-ups, overlays, surveys, and more, on visited websites and various interfaces. These advertisements facilitated by adware can endorse online tactics, untrustworthy or hazardous software and even malware. Certain intrusive advertisements can be activated by clicking on them, triggering scripts that perform stealthy downloads or installations.

While genuine products or services may occasionally be advertised through these advertisements, they are unlikely to be endorsed by official parties. Instead, it is more probable that such promotion is orchestrated by fraudsters who exploit the affiliate programs associated with the advertised content to earn illegitimate commissions.

Additionally, advertising-supported software typically collects sensitive data, which may also apply to This targeted data can include visited URLs, viewed pages, search queries, browser cookies, usernames, passwords, personally identifiable information, financial details and more. The collected data can then be monetized through sale to third parties, posing privacy concerns for users.

Users May Not Realize that They Are Installing PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Adware

Users may inadvertently install PUPs and adware due to developers' employing' questionable distribution tactics. Here's how users may not realize they are installing these unwanted programs:

  • Bundling with Legitimate Software: PUPs and adware are often bundled with legitimate software downloads. Users may overlook or fail to notice additional offers during the installation process, inadvertently agreeing to install the bundled PUPs or adware.
  •  Deceptive Advertising: Some PUPs and adware are distributed through deceptive advertising practices. Users may encounter misleading advertisements or fake download buttons on websites, leading them to download and install unwanted programs unintentionally.
  •  Fake System Alerts: PUPs and adware may use fake system alerts or notifications that mimic legitimate software updates or security warnings. Users may be misled into believing they need to download or install certain software to address a perceived issue, only to end up with PUPs or adware on their system.
  •  Browser Hijacking: Adware may hijack users' Web browsers by switching their settings, such as the default search engine or homepage to a promoted Web address. Users may not realize that their browser has been hijacked until they notice unusual behavior or see an increase in intrusive advertisements.
  •  Misleading Installation Prompts: PUPs and adware may use misleading installation prompts that trick users into agreeing to install the unwanted programs. For example, a prompt may appear to be a genuine software update or security patch, but in reality, it installs PUPs or adware on the user's system.

Overall, users may not realize they are installing PUPs and adware due to the deceptive tactics employed by developers. It is important for users to remain vigilant and carefully review installation prompts and download sources to avoid inadvertently installing unwanted programs on their devices.


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