Threat Database Malware Random Audio Ads Virus

Random Audio Ads Virus

By ESGI Advisor in Malware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 959
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 15,848
First Seen: January 13, 2012
Last Seen: September 20, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Random Audio Ads Virus Image

A malware designed to spam its victims with audio messages is not a new thing. In fact, various malware infections previous to the Internet were already designed to play an annoying jingle when starting up an infected computer system. The more modern incarnation of the Audio Ads Virus infection will play an audio advertisement repeatedly, which may last several minutes. There is no question that an Audio Ads Virus infection can be extremely annoying and disrupting to the victim's normal activity. According to ESG security researchers, obtrusive audio advertisements may be caused by all kinds of malware infections, making a single approach impractical to remove these from your computer system. Typically, the best way to deal with Audio Ads Virus infections is to use an attack strategy on various fronts. This may include using a registry cleaner, an anti-rootkit tool and an anti-virus scanner to pinpoint the exact cause of the audio advertisements on your computer systems. An Audio Ads Virus infection will often be accompanied with browser redirects, obtrusive pop-up windows or performance problems on the infected computer system.

Understanding Audio Ads Virus Infestations

The term Audio Ads Virus is not particularly accurate. While, in popular culture, the term 'virus' has been used to refer to almost every kind of malware infection, PC security researchers use the word virus to refer to a very specific kind of malware threat. Viruses are similar to their biological namesake, corrupting files by injecting them with harmful code, which is similar to how a biological virus infects a cell by injecting dangerous code into the cell's DNA. Then, much like a biological virus uses the infected cell's own mechanisms to spread, a computer virus will often spread and corrupt other files each time the infected file is executed. The Audio Ads Virus infection is usually caused by a different kind of malware infection, most of the time a Trojan or a Browser Helper Object. Trojans are malware infections, which require the user to download and install them in order to infect the victim's computer system. This is why Trojans typically spread using social engineering, which is simply a term for the way criminals take advantage of human nature and gullibility in order to infect their victims. Meanwhile, Browser Helper Objects will often take the form of a malicious browser toolbar disguised as a helpful component for the victim's Internet browser.


Random Audio Ads Virus may call the following URLs:

1 Comment

Hi EnigmaSoftware Team member,
Random Audio Ads Virus-
I have audio malware on my windows 8 64 bit machine, make HP laptop. From browsing internet explorer on MSN site(an advert on site).

However, I cannot get to work the pc in safe mode?
How do you get to the safe mode on Windows 8.1 64 bit machine.

I tried the normal CTRl+f4 and then f8 as well but opens up windows 8.1 and malware may have deleted some files.

Look forward to your response
Yogesh Vedd


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