AIDS NT 2020 Ransomware
The AIDS NT 2020 Ransomware is an incredibly insidious malware threat that deviates from the normal ransomware behavior significantly. While nearly all ransomware threats cause significant damage rendering the user's files unusable by encrypting them with strong algorithms, this still leaves the victims with several options that could lead to potential restoration of the data. However, the AIDS NT 2020 Ransomware doesn't even bother to encrypt files - instead, it simply deletes them. The AIDS NT 2020 Ransomware doesn't stop there, though. It restricts access to the system by preventing users from opening almost all folders, files and settings. Furthermore, the ransomware threat hides all of the connected drives and they no longer appear in 'My computer.'
AIDS NT 2020 Ransomware delivers the message from its creators by changing the desktop background to display an image with a text in Russian, as well as dropping a text file named 'AIDS_NT_Instructions.txt' that includes an English translation in addition to to the Russian instructions. At the end of the note, an alphanumeric string is most likely a Telegram account that could be used for communication with the hackers.
The text of the ransom note in both Russian and English is:
Если вы это читаете, то Ваш персональный компьютер заражен троянской программой AIDS NT 2020.
Здесь находится ключ к спасению, а также дополнительная информация.
Чтобы спасти ПК и не усугубить ситуацию надо:
1. Не пытаться уничтожить вирус самостоятельно или при помощи антивируса. Антивирус здесь в принципе бессилен.
2. Отключить все антивирусы, которые у Вас есть. Это помешает дальнейшей разблокировки файлов.
3. И самое важное: надейтесь на лучшее, ведь вам предстоит тернистый пут.'
If you are reading this, Your personal computer is infected with the Trojan program AIDS NT 2020.
Here is the key to salvation, as well as additional information.
To save the PC and not make the situation worse, you need to:
1. Do not try to destroy the virus yourself or with an antivirus. Antivirus is basically powerless here.2. Disable all antivirus programs that You have. This will prevent further unblocking of files.
3. and most importantly: hope for the best, because you have a thorny path ahead of you
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