Threat Database Adware AdBlock Max Adware

AdBlock Max Adware

The AdBlock Max Adware is a deceptive and intrusive Google Chrome extension. It tries to entice users with promises of stopping the annoying and unwanted advertisements they might encounter while browsing the Internet. However, once installed on the browser, the Adblock Max shows that its true functionality is the exact opposite of its claims - users will be subjected to even more dubious and questionable advertisements.

Indeed, the application will begin opening new tabs in the browser, without asking for the user's permission. As is typically the case with the advertisements generated by adware applications, users should exercise caution when dealing with the ones delivered by AdBlock Max. The advertisements could try to take advantage of various social engineering or clickbait techniques to lure users into interacting with them. Afterward, the advertisements could lead to untrustworthy destinations, such as hoax websites, phishing pages, fake giveaways and more.

Users also could be presented with advertisements for platforms unsuitable for children. Furthermore, the advertisements could be used as a vehicle for the promotion of intrusive and invasive PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) disguised as legitimate applications. However, if allowed to be installed on the system, these applications could start executing their browser hijacker, adware, data tracking and other unwanted functions.


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