661-748-0240 is a phone number that has been found to be making a mockery out of Skype and computer users who may have the slightest clue about their computer supposedly having issues or errors. The 661-748-0240 number is a Skype phishing number that attempts to seek out computer users so the cybercrooks on the other end may use clever tactics to extort money from unsuspecting victims. The 661-748-0240 may show up on caller IDs or Skype messages where the outbound caller explains to the computer user how they are a representative on an entity like Microsoft and have discovered issues with their computer. The cybercrook may then go onto ask for personal information in a sneaky manor as a promises to fix any supposed computer issue that is erroneously represented on the phone call. The objective for the cybercrooks utilizing the 661-748-0240 number is to get enough information to access the affected computer user’s banking account information. Under no circumstances should computer users answer phone calls from the 661-748-0240 number, even if it shows up a Skype message or your phone’s caller ID. Malware infections may also be an attribute to allowing attackers to utilize the 661-748-0240 number and bogus phone call against computer users.