Threat Database Fake Error Messages Zlob.Porn.Ad Adware, Warning! Adware detected! Adware...

Zlob.Porn.Ad Adware, Warning! Adware detected! Adware module detected on your PC!

"Zlob.Porn.Ad Adware, Warning! Adware detected! Adware module detected on your PC!" is a bogus security alert that is displayed by rogue security applications such as Defense Center. Users are advised to scan their computers with a legitimate and reliable malware removal tool when they encounter the "Zlob.Porn.Ad Adware, Warning! Adware detected! Adware module detected on your PC!" security alert.


The following messages associated with Zlob.Porn.Ad Adware, Warning! Adware detected! Adware module detected on your PC! were found:

Warning! Adware detected! Adware module detected on your PC! Zlob.Porn.Ad adware has been detected. This adware module advertises websites with explicit content. Be advised of such content being possibly illegal. Please click the button below to locate and remove this threat now.


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