威脅數據庫 Ransomware REDCryptoApp 勒索軟體

REDCryptoApp 勒索軟體

REDCryptoApp 是一種威脅軟體或惡意軟體,由網路犯罪分子製作,旨在加密受害者係統上儲存的資料。這些攻擊者的目的是奪取加密檔案的控制權,然後要求付款人或逃離受害者以獲得解密金鑰。由於這種作案手法,REDCryptoApp 屬於勒索軟體類別。


REDCryptoApp 勒索軟體阻止受害者存取重要數據

來自 REDCryptoApp 的勒索訊息通知受害者他們的網路已被破壞。作為攻擊的一部分,檔案已被加密,敏感資料已被竊取。為了重新訪問他們的文件並阻止收集的內容被洩露,受害者被指示支付贖金。該說明表明,在付款之前可以在一些選定的加密文件上測試解密過程。此外,該訊息還包括受害者不遵守規定的後果的各種警告。





  • 定期更新軟體和作業系統:確保您的程式和作業系統具有最新的安全性修補程式。這些軟體更新通常包括對網路犯罪分子用來傳播勒索軟體的漏洞的修復。
  • 安裝反惡意軟體軟體:利用信譽良好的反惡意軟體程式來偵測和防止勒索軟體感染。保持工具更新,以確保它們能夠識別最新的威脅。
  • 謹慎使用電子郵件附件和連結:開啟電子郵件附件或點擊連結時應格外小心,尤其是來自未知或可疑來源的連結。勒索軟體通常透過包含詐騙附件或連結的網路釣魚電子郵件進行傳播。
  • 定期備份資料:實施強大的備份策略,定期備份重要文件和資料。將備份儲存在無法從主設備直接存取的離線或基於雲端的平台上。如果發生勒索軟體攻擊,備份可以方便地恢復文件,而無需支付贖金。
  • 使用彈性密碼並啟用雙重認證 (2FA) :為所有帳戶和裝置採用強而專用的密碼。盡可能啟用 2FA,增加額外的安全層以防止未經授權的存取。
  • 教育使用者:教育自己和他人了解勒索軟體的危險以及保持線上安全的最佳實踐。培訓計畫和資源可以幫助使用者識別網路釣魚嘗試和網路犯罪分子使用的其他常見策略。
  • 實施網路安全措施:部署入侵偵測系統、防火牆和其他網路安全程序,以防範勒索軟體攻擊。監視網路流量是否存在可能表示勒索軟體感染的異常活動。
  • 限制使用者權限:將使用者權限限制為其工作職能所必需的權限。如果某個使用者的帳號受到威脅,這可以幫助防止勒索軟體在網路上橫向傳播。
  • 隨時了解最新情況:隨時了解最新的勒索軟體威脅和網路安全趨勢。訂閱安全部落格和時事通訊,或在社群媒體上關注信譽良好的網路安全組織,以了解最新的威脅和緩解策略。
  • REDCryptoApp 勒索軟體產生的勒索字條文字為:



    | What happened?


    We hacked your network and safely encrypted all of your files, documents, photos, databases, and other important data with reliable algorithms.

    You cannot access your files right now, But do not worry You can get it back! It is easy to recover in a few steps.

    We have also downloaded a lot of your private data from your network, so in case of not contacting us these data will be release publicly.

    Everyone has a job and we have our jobs too, there is nothing personal issue here so just follow our instruction and you will be ok.

    Right now the key of your network is in our hand now and you have to pay for that.

    Plus, by paying us, you will get your key and your data will be earse from our storages and if you want you can get advise from us too, in order to make your network more than secure before.


    | How to contact us and get my files back?


    The only method to decrypt your files and be safe from data leakage is to purchase a unique private key which is securely stored in our servers.

    To contact us and purchase the key you have to get to the link below :

    Onion Link :

    Hash ID :

    !Important! : This is a unique link and hash for your network so don't share these with anyone and keep it safe.


    | How to get access to the Onion link ?


    Simple :

    1- Download Tor Browser and install it. (Official Tor Website : torproject.org)

    2- Open Tor Browser and connect to it.

    3- After the Connection, Enter the Onion Link and use your Hash ID to login to your panel.


    | What about guarantees?


    We understand your stress and worry.

    So you have a FREE opportunity to test a service by instantly decrypting for free some small files from your network.

    after the payment we will help you until you get your network back to normal and be satesfy.

    Dear System Administrators,

    Do not think that you can handle it by yourself.

    By hiding the fact of the breach you will be eventually fired and sometimes even sued.

    Just trust us we've seen that a lot before.


    | Follow the guidelines below to avoid losing your data:



    -Do not modify or rename encrypted files. You will lose them.

    -Do not report to the Police, FBI, EDR, AV's, etc. They don't care about your business. They simply won't allow you to pay. As a result you will lose everything.

    -Do not hire a recovery company. They can't decrypt without the key. They also don't care about your business. They believe that they are smarter than us and they can trick us, but it is not. They usually fail. So speak for yourself.

    -Do not reject to purchase, Exfiltrated files will be publicly disclosed.



