在不断发展的数字环境中,保护设备免受在线威胁从未如此重要。勒索软件已成为最具破坏性的危险之一。TRUST FILES 勒索软件就是一个典型例子,它采用复杂的策略加密受害者的数据,然后勒索他们支付费用以释放数据。让我们深入探讨这种威胁,并讨论如何加强对此类攻击的防御。
解密 TRUST FILES 勒索软件威胁
TRUST FILES 是一种勒索软件程序,它会加密受感染设备上的文件,使受害者无法访问这些文件。此威胁还会修改文件名,为每个加密文件附加一个唯一 ID、电子邮件地址(例如“TrustFiles@skiff.com”)和 .XSHC 扩展名。例如,名为“1.png”的文件将变为“1.png.[ID-40290F1].[TrustFiles@skiff.com].XSHC”。
有趣的是,TRUST FILES 不会完全加密系统,而是专注于选定的文件,这可能会加速其操作或逃避检测。勒索软件的两封勒索信根据目标揭示了不同的意图。虽然一条消息似乎是针对个别受害者量身定制的,但另一条消息暗示大型组织或公司是主要目标。这种区别凸显了勒索软件活动的战略性质,网络犯罪分子会调整他们的策略以最大限度地发挥其影响。
- 不可靠的恢复:无法保证攻击者会提供可运行的解密工具。
- 延续网络犯罪:付款资助犯罪活动,鼓励进一步的攻击。
- 二次利用:犯罪分子知道受害者愿意付钱,因此可能会再次瞄准他们。
预防 TRUST FILES 等勒索软件攻击需要采取主动的安全措施。请考虑以下最佳做法来保护您的设备和数据:
- 定期数据备份:对重要文件进行安全的离线备份。这样可以保证即使数据被加密,您也可以恢复数据,而无需依赖攻击者。
- 使用可靠的安全软件:安装可信赖的反勒索软件程序,在威胁危害您的系统之前揭露和阻止威胁。
- 实施多因素身份验证 (MFA) :通过启用 MFA 加强对您帐户的访问,使攻击者更难渗透您的网络。
- 保持系统更新:定期更新您的操作系统和软件,以修补网络犯罪分子可能利用的已知漏洞。
- 谨慎对待电子邮件附件:警惕未经请求的电子邮件和附件。避免打开未知或未经验证的发件人的文件或点击链接。
- 对网络进行分段:对于组织而言,网络分段可以防止勒索软件传播到所有系统,从而限制攻击造成的损害。
- 教育用户:培训员工和个人识别网络钓鱼企图和勒索软件策略。意识是一道关键防线。
TRUST FILES 勒索软件体现了网络犯罪分子不断演变的策略,以加密和数据泄露威胁为目标,针对个人和企业。虽然勒索软件造成的损害可能很严重,但主动措施、定期备份和全面的网络安全策略可以大大降低风险。
找到以下与TRUST FILES Ransomware相关的消息:
#TRUST-RANSOMWARE All Your Files Are Encrypted for more information see #README-TO-DECRYPT-FILES.TXT that is located in every encrypted folder |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRUST FILES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- All Your Files Have Been Encrypted !!!
- Attention !!!
- All your important files have been stolen and encrypted by our advanced attack. Without our special decryption software, there's no way to recover your data!
- Your ID:
- To restore your files, reach out to us at: TrustFiles@skiff.com & TrustFiles@onionmail.org
- You can also contact us via Telegram: @TrustFiles
- Why Trust Us?
- Before making any payment, you can send us few files for free decryption test.
- Our business relies on fulfilling our promises.
- Do not go to recovery companies. They secretly negotiate with us to decrypt a test file and use it to gain your trust and after you pay, they take the money and scam you. You can open chat links and see them chatting with us by yourself.
- Do not use third-party tools. They might damage your files and cause permanent data loss.
- How to Buy Bitcoin?
- You can purchase Bitcoin to pay the ransom using these trusted platforms:
- hxxps://www.kraken.com/learn/buy-bitcoin-btc - hxxps://www.coinbase.com/en-gb/how-to-buy/bitcoin - hxxps://paxful.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRUST FILES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
If you are reading this message, it means that:
- your network infrastructure has been compromised, - critical data was leaked, - files are encrypted
The best and only thing you can do is to contact us to settle the matter before any losses occurs. If You Want To Restore Them Email Us : Trustfiles@skiff.com If You Do Not Receive A Response Within 24 Hours, Send A Message To Our Second Email : Trustfiles@onionmail.org Or Contact via Telegram ID: hxxps://t.me/Trustfiles
1. THE FOLLOWING IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN 1.1 EDITING FILES ON HDD. Renaming, copying or moving any files could DAMAGE the cipher and decryption will be impossible.
1.2 USING THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE. Trying to recover with any software can also break the cipher and file recovery will become a problem.
1.3 SHUTDOWN OR RESTART THE PC. Boot and recovery errors can also damage the cipher. Sorry about that, but doing so is entirely at your own risk.
2. EXPLANATION OF THE SITUATION 2.1 HOW DID THIS HAPPEN The security of your IT perimeter has been compromised (it's not perfect at all). We encrypted your workstations and servers to make the fact of the intrusion visible and to prevent you from hiding critical data leaks. We spent a lot of time researching and finding out the most important directories of your business, your weak points. We have already downloaded a huge amount of critical data and analyzed it. Now its fate is up to you, it will either be deleted or sold, or shared with the media.
2.2 VALUABLE DATA WE USUALLY STEAL: - Databases, legal documents, personal information. - Audit reports. - Audit SQL database. - Any financial documents (Statements, invoices, accounting, transfers etc.). - Work files and corporate correspondence. - Any backups. - Confidential documents.
2.3 TO DO LIST (best practies) - Contact us as soon as possible. - Contact us only in our Mails or Telegram, otherwise you can run into scammers. - Purchase our decryption tool and decrypt your files. There is no other way to do this. - Realize that dealing with us is the shortest way to success and secrecy. - Give up the idea of using decryption help programs, otherwise you will destroy the system permanently. - Avoid any third-party negotiators and recovery groups. They can become the source of leaks.
3. POSSIBLE DECISIONS 3.1 NOT MAKING THE DEAL - After 4 days starting tomorrow your leaked data will be Disclosed or sold. - We will also send the data to all interested supervisory organizations and the media. - Decryption key will be deleted permanently and recovery will be impossible. - Losses from the situation can be measured based on your annual budget.
3.2 MAKING THE WIN-WIN DEAL - Databases, legal documents, personal information. - You will get the only working Decryption Tool and the how-to-use Manual. - You will get our guarantees (with log provided) of non-recovarable deletion of all your leaked data. - You will get our guarantees of secrecy and removal of all traces related to the deal in the Internet. - You will get our security report on how to fix your security breaches.
4. HOW TO CONTACT US In our contact form or mail: Contact via Telegram ID: hxxps://t.me/Trustfiles Write us to the mails: Trustfiles@skiff.com or Trustfiles@onionmail.org Write this ID in the title of your message Your ID is on the files
5. EVIDENCE OF THE LEAKAGE 5.1 You can request sample files chat to review leaked data samples. 5.2 Contact us only in our Mails or Telegram, otherwise you can run into scammers. 5.3 All leaked Data samples will be Disclosed in 4 Days if you remain silent. 5.4 Your Decryption keys will be permanently destroyed at the moment the leaked Data is Disclosed.
6. RESPONSIBILITY 6.1 Breaking critical points of this offer will cause: Deletion of your decryption keys. Immediate sale or complete Disclosure of your leaked data. Notification of government supervision agencies, your competitors and clients. |