The website is a bogus page that users are likely to encounter while browsing dodgy sites hosting illicit content like pirated movies and shows, torrenting pages, etc. The goal of the website is to trick its visitors into providing it with permission to display Web browser notifications, which the shady site will use to spam users with numerous unwanted advertisements.

Toinduce users into providing it with permission to send Web browser push-notifications, the page will present them with a bogus CAPTCHA prompt. The fake prompt will state that for the user to get access to the content that the supposedly hosts, they have to prove that they are not a robot by clicking on the button on their screen. However, complying with the instructions of the site will not provide you with access to any content. Instead, clicking the 'Allow' button will permit the site to send you push-notifications via your Web browser. You may think that it is not a big issue in the beginning, but the website will abuse the permission and spam users with advertisements relentlessly. The advertisements may be promoting various unsafe content like dodgy gambling platforms, fraudulent dating sites, bogus giveaways, etc. It is best to ignore any advertisements spawned by the website. The advertisements spawned by the page are annoying, particularly, as even closing your Web browser will not stop them from spamming you.

If you want to put an end to the advertisements displayed by the website, you should open your Web browser's settings and revoke the permissions you have given to this shady page.


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