Threat Database Ransomware Windows Antipiracy Virus

Windows Antipiracy Virus

By Domesticus in Ransomware

Windows Antipiracy Virus is a ransomware Trojan that criminals use to threaten computer users. The Windows Antipiracy Virus scam is quite basic and follows the same pattern as most ransomware Trojans. Basically, the Windows Antipiracy Virus is designed to take a computer hostage by blocking all access to the victim's files. Then, Windows Antipiracy Virus refuses to return control unless the PC user pays a one hundred Euro fine. However, do not pay this fine. Even if one pays the one hundred Euros in an attempt to regain control of the infected computer, ESG malware researchers have observed that paying the Windows Antipiracy Virus' ransom will not grant you to get control back of the infected computer. Because of this, the best way to deal with a Windows Antipiracy Virus infection is to use a reliable anti-malware tool to scan the infected computer and to remove the Trojan responsible for the Windows Antipiracy Virus' ransomware message.

Ransomware scams receive this name because they are malicious software that criminals use to extort a ransom from their victims. The Windows Antipiracy Virus effectively takes the infected computer hostage. It blocks access to components on the infected computer, such as the Windows Desktop, the Registry Editor, the Task Manager, the Start Menu and other important system components that would normally allow computer users to bypass the Windows Antipiracy Virus ransomware message. When the victim accesses the infected computer, the Windows Antipiracy Virus displays a threatening message written in Italian (it is quite obvious that the Windows Antipiracy Virus targets Italian computer users, although infections outside of Italy can occur as well). This message claims that the victim's computer contains a pirated operating system and program and that it has been blocked because of this. Then, Windows Antipiracy Virus demands a one hundred Euro fine to restore use of the infected computer.

The best way to remove the Windows Antipiracy Virus is to use Windows' Safe Mode in order to bypass this Trojan's ransomware message. This can be done directly through Safe Mode using the command prompt or by starting up the infected computer from an external memory drive. Once this is done, removing the Windows Antipiracy Virus infection is as easy as using a reliable anti-malware program that is fully updated to scan the infected computer.


The following messages associated with Windows Antipiracy Virus were found:

Questo sistema operativo é disattivato a causa di violazione delle legi della. Repubblica Italiana sono state riscontrate le seguenti violazioni: il tuo indrizzo IP é stato utilizzato per il download e la distribuzione di contenuti piratati. Probabilmente hai utilizzato file-sharing clienti, torrenti o scaricato seguente contenuto dirretamente dal sito web. Il suo computer viene pertanto bloccato per evitare la continuazione dell’attività illegale.
Per sbloccare il computer sieti obligati a pagare una multa di 100€


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