
The VideozSearchs extension is a dodgy Web browser add-on that is likely to overexaggerate its usefulness to trick users into installing it. The goal of the VideozSearchs add-on is not to offer users a great service but to boost the traffic of an affiliated website.

Upon installing the VideozSearchs Web browser extension, you may notice some changes in your system. This is because the VideozSearchs extension would change your Web browser's settings to ensure that it sets up two affiliated websites as your default new tab page and default search engine. The sites in question are and Despite the fact that these changes in your settings do not pose a threat to your system or your data, they may be undesirable. This is because the sites affiliated with the VideozSearchs Web browser extension are rather basic and may not offer excellent quality service.

Since the VideozSearchs add-on alters users' settings automatically, it is considered to be a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program). If you want to revoke the changes applied by the VideozSearchs Web browser extension, remove the add-on from your system with the help of a reputable anti-virus software suite.


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