Threat Database Ransomware UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware

UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware

By Domesticus in Ransomware

The UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware is a dangerous police ransomware Trojan that is used to scam inexperienced computer users. The UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware is a Winlocker due to its ability to lock the victim out of their own operating system. By blocking access to the infected computer and displaying a threatening ransom message, the UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware effectively takes the victim's computer hostage. Then, UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware demands the payment of a substantial ransom in order to restore the victim's ability to access their own files and folders.

The main danger of the UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware is that the UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware prevents the victim from accessing files and applications on the infected computer. Therefore, the main difficulty in removing this threat is finding a way to gain access to your security software. The UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware can be bypassed using an alternate boot tactic to start up Windows. Starting up from an external memory device or using the command prompt allows a computer user to gain access to security software installed on the computer in order to remove this threat completely. The UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware effectively takes the victim's computer hostage. Notwithstanding, it is pivotal to note that paying the UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware's ransom will do nothing to remove this police Winlocker from your computer. More worryingly, the UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware also is capable of blocking critical Windows components like Safe Mode and System Restore, meaning that victims of this malware infection may need to use more advanced techniques to gain access to their operating system.

It is important to avoid following the instruction in the UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware message. Instead, ESG malware analysts advise computer users to start up using Safe Mode with a Command Prompt in order to readjust their registry. In serious cases, it is possible that will be necessary to start up Windows from an external memory device that also includes fully updated anti-malware software capable of removing UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware. While the police Ransomware itself is not particularly difficult to delete, the main difficulty lies in bypassing the Winlocker and gaining access to your security software.


The following messages associated with UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd Ransomware were found:

UW Computer is GeBlokkeerd virus
Het opereren van uw computer is gestopt ten gevolge van ongeoorloofde cyber-activiteiten.
Heronder vindt u de mogelijk overtredingen:
Artikel – 174. Auteursrecht
Gevangenisstraf van 2 tot 5 jaar (gebruik of distributie van auteursrecht). Een boete van 18 000 euro tot 23 CCO euro.
Artikel – 183. Pornografie
Gevangenisstraf van 2 tot 3 jaar (gebruik of distributie van bestanden met pornografische inhoud). Een boete van 18 CO3 euro tot 25 000 euro.
Artikel – 184. Pornografie met deelname van kinderen (jonger dan 18 jaar) Gevangenisstraf van 10 tot 15 jaar (gebruik of distributie van bestanden met pornografische inhoud). Een boete van 22 CCO euro tot 40 000 euro.
Artikel – 104. Bevordering van terrorisme
Gevangenisstraf tot 25 jaar zonder recht op de appellatie (bezoek aan websites van terroristische groepen). Een boete van 35 COO euro tot 45 000 euro met verbeurdverklaring.


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