
UnlimitedGuard is an online scam, which was created by web criminals in order to imitate a real security application. UnlimitedGuard poses as a legitimate anti-spyware program; however, in reality, UnlimitedGuard will not provide you any PC security services that would assure your computer?s safety. UnlimitedGuard is not able to detect and remove any type of computer infections. UnlimitedGuard supposedly detects malware threats in order to trick PC users into thinking their computers have been infected with numerous malware threats. Once installed, UnlimitedGuard starts performing fake PC scans and returns false malware results in order to scare potential victims into believing they have serious computer problems. To get rid of imaginary security issues, UnlimitedGuard offers PC users to buy its bogus software, which will allegedly remove all PC infections and fix computer problems. Affected PC users are recommended by ESG's malware analysts not to believe anything related to UnlimitedGuard because it's a lie. UnlimitedGuard only aims at stealing money from unsuspecting PC users.


UnlimitedGuard may call the following URLs:



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