
The Unisearchweb.com domain is associated with a program called 'UniSearchWeb' that you may install as a side component to a free program you download from the Internet. The 'UniSearchWeb' program is packed as a browser extension, and it may be installed to Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The 'UniSearchWeb' program is free to install and use, but you will need to comply with the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy posted at h[tt]p://unisearchweb[.]com/privacy.html and h[tt]p://unisearchweb[.]com/terms.html. The 'UniSearchWeb' application is promoted as a service that offers trusted search results. However, some cybersecurity vendors may label the program as adware and a browser hijacker. The 'UniSearchWeb' software is designed to change the user's browser settings and allow for redirects to h[tt]p://search.unisearchweb[.]com, which will be triggered when you search in the browser's URL bar/omnibar.

You should note that the connections to h[tt]p://search.unisearchweb[.]com are not encrypted, and you should not enter sensitive information on the site. Do not enter your credit card data, email address, social security number, and other personally identifiable data on h[tt]p://search.unisearchweb[.]com. Searches conducted at Search.unisearchweb.com are rerouted to a customized version of Yahoo that carries the brand name 'SafeFinder.' The 'SafeFinder' program is deemed as riskware by many computer security developers, and the users are not given a reason why Search.unisearchweb.com points to results on Yahoo. You can enjoy unaltered search results on Yahoo by removing the 'UniSearchWeb' software from your computer. PC users may be induced to believe that the 'UniSearchWeb' program protects your privacy by deleting your search history, but that is far from the truth. The program may delete the entries in your browser history, but persistent tracking cookies in the browser's cache keep records of your activity on Search.unisearchweb[.]com and other pages you may visit. 'UniSearchWeb' is classified as riskware and a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) that you may want to remove along with related cookies.


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