
Uluswozzel.info is a bogus webpage that careless computer users can get infected with when visiting unsafe webpages or clicking on corrupted advertisements. Dubious websites like Uluswozzel.info like to use an online tactic named 'Click allow to continue' to trick innocent computer users into allowing Uluswozzel.info to display its 'notifications.' Novice computer users may get curious or think that Uluswozzel.info can have some useful information and give it the asked permission.

These computer users will notice, very soon, that they made a wrong move, as they will have their screens full of advertisements that may cover crucial parts of the webpage they were trying to visit. Also, the homepage of their Web browser will be changed automatically to Uluswozzel.info, which may display links that lead them to unwanted places, and may install applications without their participation. All of Uluswozzel.info's actions have only one goal; to generate monetary gains to its admins.

The prompt displayed by Uluswozzel.info that is meant to induce computer users to allow it to reveal its unwanted advertisements and links reads:

'Uluswozzel.info wants to Show notifications
Click Allow to confirm that you are not a robot!'

However, unless you trust the website that is asking for such permissions, it is not advisable to comply with its requests. If you already gave it to Uluswozzel.info, it is easy to take it back by using your Web browser settings. Then, remove Uluswozzel.info from your computer manually or by using an anti-malware application.


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