is a mostly empty website. However, that in no way means that is harmless. On the opposite, sole reason for existing is to propagate a browser-based tactic. Through the use of various social-engineering tactics, users are lured into subscribing to the website's push-notification services. As a consequence, they will now be subjected to numerous unwanted ads being delivered straight to the screen of their devices. 

One of the most widespread methods for deceiving the unsuspecting visitor is for the unsafe website to pretend to be conducting a captcha check for bots. has branched out a bit and instead relies on people's curiosity to get the better of them. displays a supposed video that is buffering currently and cannot be played unless the user clicks the 'Allow' button. An alert message with the following text will be generated:

'Click Allow to watch the video'

Following the instructions will not result in any video being played, just receiving all the browser permissions it requires. The sheer volume of unsolicited advertisements could start to interfere with the normal use of the affected device and closing the browser will have no effect. 

To deal with the tactic, users have to open the 'Settings' of their browser, scroll down to the 'Permissions' tab, locate the fraudulent website, and remove all of its permissions. 


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