Threat Database Trojans Troj/ExpJS-IV


By LoneStar in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 90 % (High)
Infected Computers: 34
First Seen: May 8, 2013
Last Seen: November 25, 2020
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Troj/ExpJS-IV is a Trojan that propagates via a hijacked website of US Department of Labor. A subdomain of the main website of the Department, running off a separate server, what's known colloquially as a microsite, was modified to carry a security threat, namely Troj/ExpJS-IV. Troj/ExpJS-IV uses a malevolent Java script file that encompasses what are known as anti-anti-virus techniques. This means that the cybercriminal actively aims at bypassing detection by interfering with the operation of one or more of the anti-virus programs the PC user may be running. The malevolent Java script, recognized as Troj/ExpJS-IV, even strives to connect to the local web console to reconfigure the product on in the name of the computer owner.


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