Threat Database Trojans Trojan.Yakes.ljl


By GoldSparrow in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 12,990
Threat Level: 90 % (High)
Infected Computers: 64
First Seen: December 27, 2011
Last Seen: August 28, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Trojan.Yakes.ljl is what is known as a Trojan dropper or downloader. These kinds of Trojans infiltrate a computer system, connect to a remote server, and then download and install malware from a remote location. Trojan.Yakes.ljl mainly spreads through a fake email scam associated with the popular social network Facebook. According to ESG security researchers, Trojan.Yakes.ljl, like most Trojans, cannot spread on its own or infiltrate your computer system without a little help. Like the famed Trojan horse, from which this kind of malware infection derives its name, Trojan.Yakes.ljl requires the user to 'open the doors and let Trojan.Yakes.ljl in' by downloading and installing Trojan.Yakes.ljl onto their own computer system. This is why malware infections like Trojan.Yakes.ljl rely on email scams, other kinds of malware or social engineering in order to target their victims. Learning basic computer security guidelines can protect you from a costly and damaging malware infection in the future. As for Trojan.Yakes.ljl, a fully-updated anti-malware program should be able to remove this dangerous infection, and any other malware Trojan.Yakes.ljl may have downloaded while Trojan.Yakes.ljl resided on your computer system.

The Scam Email Associated with Trojan.Yakes.ljl

Victims of Trojan.Yakes.ljl will typically receive an email that claims to come from the Facebook administration. This email sports a design that is meant to look very similar to the famous Facebook interface. It will alert the victim that their Facebook password must be changed – while this will probably sound quite suspicious to experienced computer users, Facebook has attracted millions of new computer users without previous computer security experience beyond using this popular social network. The scam email associated with Trojan.Yakes.ljl will usually appear to come from an email associated with Facebook. This email address will usually be made up of random characters and the fake address. The scam email associated with Trojan.Yakes.ljl will contain a file compressed in ZIP format with a name containing the word 'alert' or 'instructions' and a random number. However, according to ESG security researchers, this file actually contains Trojan.Yakes.ljl. Opening it will install this dangerous malware infection on your computer, allow Trojan.Yakes.ljl to make damaging alterations to your operating system settings and allow Trojan.Yakes.ljl to begin its task of connecting to a remote server and downloading other malware onto your computer system.


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