Threat Database Trojans Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.blfg


By JubileeX in Trojans

Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.blfg is a dangerous Trojan infection that could spread via spam emails, free software downloads or bogus video codecs. Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.blfg opens up firewalls and gathers confidential data such as personal financial information. Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.blfg can also harm necessary system files, making the computer exposed to external more serious malware threats. Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.blfg can gather and forward your email address book to an email spammer and send unexpected email messages from your computer without your knowledge. Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.blfg will most likely create a startup registry entry and modify some system executable files with a PE-file infector. You should remove Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.blfg immediately before it destroys your machine.

File System Details

Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.blfg may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %UserProfile%\cbzvl.exe

Registry Details

Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.blfg may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
Taskman = "%UserProfile%\cbzvl.exe"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]


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