Threat Database Trojans Trojan.Win32.Cossta.dfa


Trojan.Win32.Cossta.dfa is a dangerous program that preys on Windows operating systems. Trojan.Win32.Cossta.dfa may enter a system via drive-by downloads or spam e-mails. Trojan.Win32.Cossta.dfa is able to give unauthorized users access to a compromised system, allowing them to steal a victim's private information. Trojan.Win32.Cossta.dfa may also install other malicious programs onto an infected PC. If you detect Trojan.Win32.Cossta.dfa on your computer system, get it removed before it causes more damage.

File System Details

Trojan.Win32.Cossta.dfa may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %CommonPrograms%\Startup\chkdsk.exe


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