Threat Database Trojans Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael


By Sumo3000 in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 6
First Seen: November 25, 2012
Last Seen: May 14, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael is a Trojan that is involved in a spam malware campaign related to presidential elections in Venezuela.
Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael aims at capturing the Internet credentials of Venezuelan PC users through a web-link, which allegedly gives details about the election for the president of Venezuela. The filename of Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael is called 'listas-fraude-electoral.pdf.exe' (English translation: 'electoral fraud lists'). The fake email includes a web-link, which, if clicked, reroutes the recipient to a bogus website that masquerades to be from 'Globovision' a TV channel of Venezuela. Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael has been generated to target employees of the Venezuela government as well as usual web users. Once installed on the compromised PC, Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael deactivates the UAC (User Account Control) of the operating system. Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael enables cybercriminals to execute administrative commands without any restrictions. Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael stays quiet till the victim goes to one website from the total five, each of a Venezuelan bank. After entering that website, the PC user gets diverted onto one infectious host where his Internet banking credentials are stolen. Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael seizes the login details that belong to government employees after they log into the website which is of The Commission of Currency Administration. Since this Commission offers administering service for legal currency transactions inside Venezuela it isn't unnatural for the PCs of the agency employees getting infected.

File System Details

Trojan.Win32.Agent.uael may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. listas-fraude-electoral.pdf.exe


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