Threat Database Trojans Trojan.Spamnost


By LoneStar in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 90 % (High)
Infected Computers: 4
First Seen: December 23, 2011
Last Seen: March 22, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Trojan.Spamnost is a hazardous Trojan that is generated by web attackers for sending spam messages. If your PC system is infected by Trojan.Spamnost, it will corrupt you email account and then record the list of email addresses. Trojan.Spamnost is spread by spam emails, security holes, a backdoor, drive-by downloads, etc. It is recommended to eliminate Trojan.Spamnost from the corrupted PC immediately after detection.

File System Details

Trojan.Spamnost may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %UserProfile%\Application Data\[RANDOM CHARACTERS]\svcnost.exe
2. %UserProfile%\Application Data\desktop.ini
3. %UserProfile%\Application Data\ntuser.dat

Registry Details

Trojan.Spamnost may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications\List\"%UserProfile%\Application Data\[RANDOM CHARACTERS]\svcnost.exe" = "%UserProfile%\Application Data\[RANDOM CHARACTERS]\
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"mssend" = "\"%UserProfile%\Application Data\[RANDOM CHARACTERS]\svcnost.exe\""


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