Threat Database Trojans Trojan.Pasam


By Domesticus in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 90 % (High)
Infected Computers: 4
First Seen: May 7, 2012
Last Seen: February 18, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

ESG security researchers have received reports of a backdoor Trojan known as Trojan.Pasam that is being distributed through a spam email campaign. It seems that Trojan.Pasam is installed using vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash that have been recently patched. Because of this, one of the best ways to avoid becoming a victim of a Trojan.Pasam infection is ensuring that your software is fully updated. It is also important to avoid opening file attachments contained in unsolicited email messages, regardless of their extension. Many computer users erroneously think that only executable or compressed file attachments are dangerous. In fact, Trojan.Pasam spreads through what appears to be a file in DOC format (Microsoft Word document) which, along with PDF files, was long held as a fairly safe file type.

A Closer Look at the Spam Email Containing Trojan.Pasam Attachment

Spam email attachments are some of the most common delivery vehicles for Trojans like Trojan.Pasam. While most of these kinds of attacks involve various components, usually first installing a Trojan dropper or downloader, the objective of the email message containing the Trojan.Pasam attachment is to deliver Trojan.Pasam itself. It seems that Trojan.Pasam is being targeted towards military institutions and companies in the defense sector. The email messages delivering this backdoor Trojan will usually contain mentions of supposed weapons deals, military exercises, and other information that could be of interest to these kinds of recipients. The DOC file containing Trojan.Pasam has several different names, depending on the template being used for that particular spam email message. Some file names that are associated with Trojan.Pasam include: [Security Company Name].doc, Consolidation Schedule.doc, [REDACTED] Invitation Letter to [REDACTED] 2012.doc, military exercise details.doc and questions about your course.doc.

Effects of a Trojan.Pasam Trojan Infection

ESG security analysts strongly recommend removing Trojan.Pasam infection immediately with a reliable anti-virus program. Trojan.Pasam establishes a 'backdoor' into the infected computer system which can allow a criminal access to the infected computer system just as an unguarded backdoor can allow a robber to enter a house. Using this backdoor, a hacker can access the infected computer system from a remote location, install and remove other software (for example, a keylogger or other spy programs), control the computer system from a remote location or steal data on the infected computer system.

File System Details

Trojan.Pasam may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %System%\iglicd64.dll
2. %System%\msjtea40.dll


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