Threat Database Trojans Trojan.Paccyn!inf


By Sumo3000 in Trojans

Trojan.Paccyn!inf is a hazardous Trojan that infects computers through security holes and installs corrupt files to damage PC systems. Once on a compromised machine, Trojan.Paccyn!inf will install malicious files in Windows folders to conceal itself from firewall programs. Trojan.Paccyn!inf changes system settings and adds new values to the system registry. Trojan.Paccyn!inf runs automatically every time you start your PC system. Trojan.Paccyn!inf can steal your personal information and send it to remote attackers. You should eliminate Trojan.Paccyn!inf from the infected computer as quickly as possible.

SpyHunter Detects & Remove Trojan.Paccyn!inf

File System Details

Trojan.Paccyn!inf may create the following file(s):
# File Name MD5 Detections
1. %PROGRAM_FILES%\Trojan.Paccyn!inf
2. C:\Documents and Settings\\Trojan.Paccyn!inf
3. C:\Documents and Settings\\Start Menu\Trojan.Paccyn!inf
4. %System%\c_[FIVE RANDOM DIGITS].nls
5. file.exe d890ee5016bb62539d4bb164ef4eee93 0
6. file.exe dae42778c1777a0358d8c94239d9043e 0
7. file.exe 9dc6a216b83f47239979cec063afc8e0 0
8. file.exe 2728e763d12dd41f8e8dde99d9f7c48a 0
9. file.exe 238ac77050125ec75423d1ffb845ec9e 0

Registry Details

Trojan.Paccyn!inf may create the following registry entry or registry entries:


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