Threat Database Trojans Trojan.Khan


By LoneStar in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 3,624
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 8,557
First Seen: March 8, 2012
Last Seen: September 20, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Trojan.Khan is a dangerous Trojan which has the main purpose to execute DDoS attacks. Trojan.Khan tries to set up floods of HTTP requests that are meant to emerge like legal web traffic, striving to make DDoS mitigations much more complicated. One of Trojan.Khan techniques is to flood an infected computer user with HTTP requests that seem to be crawler requests from search engines; this presumably depends on the quite reasonable expectation that the compromised websites will be frightened of filtering out web requests from such crawlers for fear of seriously decreasing their page rankings at Google, Bing and other search systems, and thus becoming effectively invisible to potential customers. Successfully, there are means of exploiting the subtle flaws in Trojan.Khan's flooding engine to securely thwart its attacks. Trojan.Khan uses the crypto algorithm to obfuscate its sensitive strings, particularly it's command & control URLs, using a custom crypto algorithm. Remove Trojan.Khan as soon as possible to secure your computer from damage.


Trojan.Khan may call the following URLs:


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