Threat Database Trojans Trojan Generic_r.BAT

Trojan Generic_r.BAT

By GoldSparrow in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 90 % (High)
Infected Computers: 2
First Seen: August 14, 2012
Last Seen: June 16, 2020
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Trojan Generic_r.BAT is a Trojan that propagates via malicious image files that include a harmful code. After installation, Trojan Generic_r.BAT drops infected files on the affected PC. Trojan Generic_r.BAT may also harm system files on the corrupted machine and, thus, destroy your workstation. Trojan Generic_r.BAT is found in a variety of locations of the infected computer system. Trojan Generic_r.BAT can lead to a slow Internet connection and decrease overall PC performance. Trojan Generic_r.BAT can also result in computer system errors and malfunctioning.


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