Threat Database Trojans Trojan.CoinStealer


By CagedTech in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 7,953
Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 11,405
First Seen: June 28, 2016
Last Seen: March 15, 2024
OS(es) Affected: Windows

SpyHunter Detects & Remove Trojan.CoinStealer

File System Details

Trojan.CoinStealer may create the following file(s):
# File Name MD5 Detections
1. 0509[1].exe cfa37459c88481113b827eeba9b1bb77 277
2. iexplorer.exe c80e5d8f7071f79d9939a52c3e26a671 51
3. iexplorer.exe ce19b1a9f4894cf071c8e5e46177efcd 20
4. wscript.exe cdd908798919aa75549ca12fde88327d 17
5. wscript.exe 2aa22b4e748ebe1ee86170c2983fed70 14
6. wscript.exe 5670f18d8041c5d4e12aad1069163841 13
7. iexplorer.exe 6d3c311919fd6923c3a0f4164cdbd6b7 9
8. pscript.exe 7086698f670d85b7ccd1a1150df37629 7
9. wscript.exe 15648a5db05f18f828f9bc40d0b6e0f1 6
10. wscript.exe 8f9f293c89f1242725be5571f0757947 5
11. L00.exe 35feb84b8139876387efc721f78820ea 4
12. iexplorer.exe 041ac23c8ced95daa4cc4ef2231af1c9 3
13. cscript.exe 5f2fb0dd98786d148b95833df066b817 2
14. pscript.exe 87a3e36db6def5b1858f6d2ec89f8fd9 2
15. pscript.exe 4b6e92869dd4b660aa0f9aa7cb63bb32 2
16. wscript.exe 8f7af74cccebe7bcfe5c9bf4e6c7b0a8 1
17. iexplorer.exe 998c7a2d515ec1c618a9943d2a02a609 1
18. iexplorer.exe 99915467d9cc23541273acddf52a72f5 1

Registry Details

Trojan.CoinStealer may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
Regexp file mask


Trojan.CoinStealer may create the following directory or directories:

%APPDATA%\Web View Invoker
%APPDATA%\Windows Script Invoker
%APPDATA%\Windows View Invoker


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