is a browser-based tactic that wants to generate monetary gains by delivering unwanted ads to unsuspecting users. The core of this tactic scheme is to trick any visitors to the site into subscribing to its push notification service. To achieve this, and the countless other similar tactic Websites, employ various social-engineering techniques.

In the case of, it plays on users' curiosity as anyone who lands on the site will be shown a video that is currently buffering and a text message right below it says:

Click the Allow button to subscribe to push notifications and continue watching.

Falling for the trick and clicking the button will give Thewowfeed the required permissions, and it will now start generating unsolicited ads that will disrupt the normal browsing experience on the affected device. Even closing the browser completely will not be enough to stop the ads from appearing. 

The simplest way to get things back to normal is to navigate the 'Settings' menu of the browser and remove all permissions associated with


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