Threat Database Adware '' Pop-Ups

'' Pop-Ups

By GoldSparrow in Adware

The domain that is registered at the IP address is associated with adware that uses JavaScript to show messages claiming that 'Your Windows (Microsoft) computer has been locked' persistently. The adware linked to may have landed on your PC as a video codec, music player or a free text editor in a freeware package. is classified as a phishing domain and is associated with several phone numbers, namely 844-326-7229, 844-596-6306, 844-728-8150, 800-802-1164 and 888-930-7816. Computer users that are presented with pop-up messages by in their Internet browser may notice that they are accompanied by a recording of a female voice urging users to call any of the numbers mentioned before and seek help. Security investigators remind users that they will not contact legitimate computer support on 844-326-7229, 844-596-6306, 844-728-8150, 800-802-1164 and 888-930-7816.

The agents associated with may attempt to convince you that your computer is infected with a severe cyber threat like JS/Banker.BA and Dunihi and you need to allow them to connect remotely to your PC. Needless to say, you might lose files and be directed to install harmful software when following the instructions provided by the '' pop-up messages and calling 844-326-7229, 844-596-6306, 844-728-8150, 800-802-1164 and 888-930-7816. The adware related to on your system may run as a background process in the Windows Task Manager every time you launch your Internet browser to facilitate its operations. The adware may have inserted a registry key in Windows to hide its files in the Temp folder and remind undetected. You should install a trusted anti-malware product that is designed to eradicate adware that is associated with the phishing domain.


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