Star Trail Tab Extension

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 3
First Seen: November 11, 2022
Last Seen: May 26, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Star Trail Tab Extension is a browser app that can be integrated into Google Chrome. The Star Trail Tab Extension is available for installation via and hxxp://startrailtab[.]com/. The Star Trail Tab Extension is promoted to give your new tab page a unique look and feel. The Star Trail New Tab is provided as an offline Web page, which is listed in the Omnibox as ‘chrome-extension://oppbhibcogebnmfpenifkklcdcgobjnk/newtab.html,’ and it has links to popular Web services, a weather forecast by, and your bookmarks collection. The Star Trail Tab Extension is deemed as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) that is a slightly modified version of the Spirals New Tab extension, and both have almost identical copies published via binaryspiraltab[.]com, intostarstab[.]com and triplespiralwave[.]com.

The Star Trail Tab Extension is an ad-supported product by Aztec Media Inc. that asks to read your emails, but it is not an email client. Additionally, the Star Trail Tab Extension asks to change your bookmarks and your Internet history. You should note that the Star Trail Tab Extension manifests as a fake home button in Google Chrome. The creators of the Star Trail Tab Extension use the same icon as the default icon in Chrome for the homepage. Needless to say, that can be interpreted as a breach of copyright policies and mislead users. The Star Trail Tab Extension does not modify your new tab page. Instead, users are shown two identical homepage buttons and directed to use the one provided by Star Trail Tab. You might wish to consider removing the Star Trail Tab browser app and use an alternative solution that does not appear to hijack settings and visual elements from other software products.


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