Threat Database Adware Shopdruopp


By Domesticus in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 2,728
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 940
First Seen: January 21, 2014
Last Seen: September 21, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Shopdruopp is a Potentially Unwanted Program that is used to create advertising revenue for its creators. In case Shopdruopp is installed on your computer, security analysts recommend removing Shopdruopp immediately. This is due to the fact that Shopdruopp may cause numerous problems on affected computers. While generating revenue from advertising, Shopdruopp may make the affected computer difficult or nearly impossible to use effectively. Shopdruopp may endanger your privacy and your computer's integrity. Because of this Shopdruopp should be uninstalled and a strong security program used to ensure that Shopdruopp has not exposed the affected computer to threats or potentially threatening components.

What is Shopdruopp Used For?

Although Shopdruopp is marketed as a way of gaining access to coupons, special discounts and other perks, Shopdruopp does not deliver in this regard. In fact, most of Shopdruopp's supposed features are just for show, and designed to expose computer users to sponsored affiliate marketing links or advertisements. Shopdruopp has typical adware behaviors, displaying advertisements on the affected Web browser and redirecting it to sponsored URLs in order to increase their traffic and advertisement impressions. Shopdruopp may also track your online behavior and computer's settings, selling this information to third parties that could use it to endanger potentially your privacy. In many cases, Shopdruopp may be responsible for system and Web browser performance issues, causing crashes, freezing and slowing down. This is may be due to the fact that Shopdruopp consumes system resources and may interfere with other software on the affected computer.

Removing Shopdruopp from Your Computer

To remove Shopdruopp, malware analysts recommend using the Control Panel's application for uninstalling programs. However, in some cases some unwanted components associated with Shopdruopp may remain behind. To prevent this from happening, malware researchers encourage PC users to choose a well-recommended security program to uninstall Shopdruopp and scan the affected computer. Shopdruopp may make various unwanted changes to your Web browser or computer settings. These may need to be removed manually. Examples of these include changes to your Web browser's homepage or default search engine.


Shopdruopp may call the following URLs:


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