By GoldSparrow in Browser Hijackers

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 2,088
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 5,300
First Seen: June 19, 2015
Last Seen: September 20, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows is one of the numerous search sites that claim to surpass popular engines in terms of functionality. However, you should abstain from using this platform when you need some information. The reason to stay away from is that the main function of this page is to provide its partners with a steady stream of visitors. The unpleasant and potentially dangerous consequences of this activity are two. First, you may waste your time while going to sites that don't offer what you need. Second, if you visit the sponsored pages continuously, you may find yourself on some potentially malicious domain eventually The people behind get referral commissions when they transfer people to their partners. They may accomplish this task by putting the advertised sites at the top positions, above the actual results. Some users report that may appear as their homepage automatically. This process may happen when your PC is infected with a browser hijacker.

These tiny add-ons may be able to change the performance of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer in a way that benefits third parties. The design of the questionable search site is very similar to the layouts of reliable search pages. For this reason, some users may not notice the replacement of the starting page in time. Unfortunately, when you detect the change, you may be unable to reverse it manually. The browser hijacker behind tends to be stubborn, so you may need to use a dedicated security solution to delete it. The suspicious add-on may have entered together with a previously installed free application. To keep such unreliable pieces of software away from your PC, always perform the setup of freeware through the 'Advanced' menu and uncheck bonus components.

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