Threat Database Browser Hijackers is a notorious browser hijacker that disrupts Web browsers' regular functioning by redirecting users to unwanted websites and altering browser settings. This hijacker is typically promoted via a browser extension named Vids Tab, which misleadingly advertises itself as providing enhanced video-related features. However, once installed, the extension hijacks the browser and redirects searches to the URL.

Key Features of the Hijacker

  1. Redirects: The primary action of this hijacker is to redirect the user's searches and homepage to the URL. This can lead to unwanted advertisements and potentially harmful websites[1].
  2. Search Hijacker: It changes the default search engine settings without the user's consent, leading to a compromised search experience and exposure to unreliable search results[5].
  3. Toolbar: The extension often adds a toolbar to the browser, which may contain shortcuts and buttons that facilitate the hijacker's operations and display more advertisements[3].
  4. Unwanted New Tab: It forces the browser to open new tabs that are directed to specific websites, often promoting other dubious content or further spreading malware[4].
  5. Video-Related Features: Despite its claim of enhancing video-related functionalities, the extension's main objective is to hijack the browser and promote its URL. These advertised features are typically non-functional or a guise to lure users into installing the extension[1].

Risks and Consequences of Having a Browser Hijacker on a Computer

  • Privacy Invasion: Browser hijackers often collect personal data, including search queries, browsing habits, and potentially sensitive information, which can be sold to third parties.
  • Security Threats: Redirects can lead users to fraudulent websites that distribute malware or engage in phishing schemes.
  • Degraded User Experience: Constant redirects, unwanted advertisements, and altered browser settings significantly impair the browsing experience.

To remove the hijacker, users should:

  1. Uninstall any suspicious browser extensions or toolbars.
  2. Reset browser settings to their default state.
  3. Use dependable anti-malware software to scan and remove any remaining threats.

Preventive measures include:

  • Avoiding the installation of unknown or untrusted browser extensions.
  • Keeping browsers and security software up-to-date.
  • Being cautious of misleading advertisements promising enhanced features.

URLs may call the following URLs:


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