
SearchConverterz is the name of a dodgy Web browser extension. The SearchConverterz add-on claims to offer excellent service to its users. However, this is not precisely the case. The primary purpose of the SearchConverterz extension is not to provide the user with quality service but to hijack their Web browser.

Applications like the SearchConverterz extension are often referred to as browser hijackers. The SearchConverterz Web browser add-on has been classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) by malware experts. Once you install the SearchConverterz extension, this add-on will change your browser settings to set up affiliated websites as your default search engine and new tab page. The two websites, which are associated with the SearchConverterz add-on, are and The goal of the SearchConverterz Web browser extension is to boost the traffic of the websites mentioned above artificially. The two sites in question are not unsafe but may not offer very high-quality service either.

Users who are not happy with the changes applied by the SearchConverterz add-on should remove this PUP from their system with the help of a genuine anti-malware application.


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