The domain registered to the IP address was disclosed as a browser hijacker in the second week of May 2018. The "About" page on suggests the domain is used in conjunction with software called "Altagit downloader." We did not find an official page for the "Altagit downloader," except for The main page at may look very similar to the layout that used back in 2011, but Web surfers should not associate the site with legitimate services by Google Inc. In fact, is configured to work as a redirect-portal that leads users to search results on Yahoo and online shopping recommendations at Savefront[.]com.
Computer security analysts note that is not managed and maintained by Yahoo and Savefront[.]com. Unknown software developers responsible for the "Altagit downloader" are using to push targeted commercials to Web surfers and sell Internet usage statistics to marketers. In other words, is used to monetize your Internet activity and deliver promotional materials based on your recent online activity. The "Altagit downloader" software may have been presented to you as a freeware bundle that included a media player, modified updates to Java/Adobe Flash and BitTorrent files. The "Altagit downloader" is not recognized as a reliable supplier of updates to Adobe products and Java-based solutions. You should always download and install security patches and updates for Java and Flash from their official sites — h[tt]ps://java[.]com/en/download and h[tt]ps://get.adobe[.]com/flashplayer/otherversions.
PC users may have allowed modification of their Internet settings when they ran a "Standard" installation of the "Altagit downloader." You may find a browser extension called "Altagit downloader" in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. The application from may force the browser to load search results on Yahoo and advertisements from Savefront[.]com. The same behavior was observed during the analysis of We suspect there is a group of software developers that invites users to install free applications, which redirect users to promotional materials. You may want to remove the "Altagit downloader" program with the help of a trusted anti-malware service.