Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 20,179
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 2
First Seen: November 21, 2023
Last Seen: November 28, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

During the examination of dubious websites, researchers stumbled upon the rogue page, uncovering its role in promoting tactics and facilitating spam browser notifications. Beyond these deceptive activities, has the capability to redirect users to other destinations, often leading them to unreliable or potentially harmful sites. The majority of visitors to and analogous pages typically find themselves on these platforms through redirects initiated by websites utilizing rogue advertising networks. This underscores the interconnected nature of such deceptive online practices, emphasizing the importance of cautious navigation to avoid falling victim to these schemes. Tricks Visitors with Fake Security Alerts

It is crucial to note that the content encountered on rogue sites may be tailored based on the visitor's IP address, utilizing geolocation information.

During the research phase, it was observed that was actively promoting the 'TROJAN_2023 And Other Viruses Detected (5)' tactic. This fraudulent scheme involves presenting users with a fabricated system scan along with multiple false threat alerts. It is important to emphasize that such claims are entirely baseless, as no website has the capability to detect viruses or other issues on visitors' devices. Typically, scams of this nature serve as a means to endorse untrustworthy and potentially unsafe software.

In addition to promoting deceptive content, also sought permission to deliver browser notifications. If granted, this Web page would inundate users with advertisements, thereby promoting online tactics, unreliable or hazardous software and potentially even malware. This underscores the multifaceted nature of the threats posed by such rogue sites, encompassing both misleading content and attempts to engage users in potentially harmful activities. Users better exercise caution and be aware of these deceptive practices to ensure a secure online experience.

Remember that Websites cannot Carry Out Malware Scans

Websites cannot perform malware scans on visitors' devices for several fundamental reasons:

  • Limited Access:

Websites operate within the confines of Web browsers and the Web environment. They are designed with strict security protocols to prevent unauthorized access to a user's device or its files. This limited access is intentional to protect user privacy and security.

  • Browser Sandboxing:

Web browsers use a security feature called sandboxing, which isolates each website or tab from the rest of the device and other open tabs. This isolation prevents websites from interacting with the underlying system or files on the user's device.

  • Security and Privacy Concerns:

Allowing websites to scan users' devices for malware would pose significant security and privacy risks. Granting such access could potentially expose sensitive information to malicious actors or result in unauthorized manipulation of files.

  • User Consent and Permissions:

Modern Web browsers require explicit user consent for websites to access certain functionalities, such as the camera, microphone or location. However, scanning for malware goes beyond the scope of what a website is allowed to do for security and privacy reasons.

  • Technical Limitations:

Performing a comprehensive malware scan requires deep access to the files and processes of a device, which is beyond the capabilities of a standard web browser. Security tools are specifically designed for the device to handle these tasks at a much deeper level.

  • Reliability and Accuracy:

Malware scanning is a complex process that involves analyzing files, behaviors, and patterns. Reliable and accurate malware detection requires sophisticated algorithms and databases, typically found in dedicated security software. Websites lack the necessary resources and capabilities to conduct thorough and reliable malware scans.

In summary, websites are intentionally designed to operate within a secure and limited context to protect user privacy and security. Conducting malware scans involves actions that go beyond the scope of what websites are allowed to do, and such tasks are better left to dedicated security software installed on users' devices.

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