
Rypracte.pro is an empty site designed with a single purpose - to trick users into subscribing to its push notifications. If it is successful, Rypracte.pro will start generating sponsored advertisements on the affected device, thus generating monetary gains for its creators. It is not easy to spot this browser-based tactic as there are countless websites virtually identical to Rypracte.pro that function in the exact same way.

When visitors land on these sites, they are greeted by numerous fake error messages. The specific text of the fake alerts may vary. Although most tactics such as Rypracte.pro employ one or two variants, they all want to lure the unsuspecting users into clicking the allow button. The specific text of Rypracte.pro's messages is:

  • 'Rypracte.pro wants to Show notifications'
  • 'Click Allow to confirm that you are not a robot!'
  • 'Press Allow to close this window'

Having unsolicited advertisements taking up space on the device's screen can go from mildly annoying to absolutely disruptive quickly. Not to mention that clicking on any of the advertisements could redirect the user to shade third-party sites. Closing the browser will do nothing in stemming the flood of pop-up advertisements.


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