
The Rivilistsp.info website is among the numerous shady pages that offer no content of value to their visitors. The only purpose of the Rivilistsp.info page is to hijack your Web browser notifications to bombard you with advertisements.

When you launch the Rivilistsp.info page, you will see a prompt requesting that you click 'Allow.' The dodgy page will present this prompt as a security check, which every user needs to complete before they are allowed to view the site's content. However, instead of confirming your legitimacy, the prompt serves the purpose of subscribing you to the Rivilistsp.info site's Web browser notifications. This means that the Rivilistsp.info page will start spamming you with unwanted advertisements every time you use your PC. Some of the products and services promoted by the advertisements associated with the Rivilistsp.info site's activity may be unsafe and of low quality.

Make sure you revoke the permissions that you have granted the Rivilistsp.info page. This can be done using the settings of your Web browser.


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