Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 18,790
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 13
First Seen: May 9, 2023
Last Seen: July 22, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The rogue website is mainly concerned with delivering spam browser notifications and redirecting users to other sites. Users should be careful, as such redirects could take them to untrustworthy or harmful destinations. It is common for users to encounter websites such as through redirects produced by websites that employ rogue advertising networks. Relies on Deceptive Messages to Trick Users

The content promoted on rogue websites may vary depending on the visitor's IP address or geolocation. For instance, the webpage was found to utilize a fake CAPTCHA verification test. This fake test features an image of robots and text that instructs visitors to 'Click Allow to confirm that you are not a robot.' The aim of this deceptive test is to trick visitors into enabling to deliver browser notifications.

Once users click the 'Allow' button, they will likely be redirected to a questionable webpage that promotes adware, browser hijackers, PUAs (Possibly Unwanted Applications) or other untrustworthy software. Rogue sites often use their notifications to deliver intrusive advertisement campaigns that push various scams, browser hijackers, adware or other shady PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs).

Users Should Pay Attention to the Signs Indicating a Fake CAPTCHA Check

A fake CAPTCHA check is a tactic used by rogue websites to trick visitors into enabling notifications. There are several signs that a CAPTCHA check may be fake.

Firstly, the CAPTCHA image may be distorted or unclear, making it difficult to discern the required answer. This is because the CAPTCHA image may not be genuine, and the website may not be interested in verifying whether the user is a human or a bot. Legitimate websites usually employ CAPTCHA checks to prevent automated spam or abuse, but they do not usually require users to answer CAPTCHA checks frequently.

Furthermore, the CAPTCHA check may be irrelevant or unconnected to the task the user is performing on the website. The language or text used in the CAPTCHA check is also important. If it contains any grammatical or spelling errors, it may suggest that the website is not legitimate. Users should be cautious when they encounter these signs and verify the authenticity of the website before they proceed with any action.

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