Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Retro Sunset Browser Extension

Retro Sunset Browser Extension

Upon examining the Retro Sunset browser extension, researchers discovered that its primary function is to operate as a browser hijacker. Like most dubious applications of this type, the Retro Sunset also promotes a deceptive search engine - To achieve its goal, the application alters several essential browser settings to gain control over the users' browsing experience. A considerable number of users inadvertently download and install applications like the Retro Sunset, often without being aware of the consequences.

Browser Hijackers Like the Retro Sunset may Collect Various Sensitive Information

The Retro Sunset presents itself as an application that enhances the new tab page experience with personalization options. However, upon installation, users discover that the Retro Sunset goes beyond its advertised purpose and instead makes significant modifications to their browser settings. These changes include altering the default search engine, homepage, and new tab settings, leading users' searches to be redirected through, which ultimately routes them to

A matter of concern lies in the potential data collection practices carried out by the Retro Sunset and, as these actions may occur without users' explicit consent. PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and browser hijackers often engage in tracking users' search queries, browsing behaviors, and other online activities to amass valuable data. This kind of data gathering raises privacy and security concerns.

Another troubling aspect is that users may encounter sponsored or potentially harmful content as a result of these modifications, significantly affecting their overall browsing experience. Moreover, they could unknowingly end up visiting unsafe websites, which poses a risk to their online safety.

Due to the Retro Sunset's ability to manipulate browser settings, users may find it difficult to revert to their preferred configurations, effectively relinquishing control over their browsing environment. This lack of control can lead to frustration and discomfort in their online activities.

Shady Practices Allow PUPs and Browser Hijackers to Get Installed Unnoticed

The distribution of PUPs and browser hijackers often involves various shady practices aimed at tricking or misleading users into installing these unwanted software on their systems. These practices can be deceptive and manipulative, taking advantage of users' lack of awareness or attention to detail. Here are some common shady practices used in the distribution of PUPs and browser hijackers:

  • Software Bundling: PUPs and browser hijackers are often bundled with legitimate software downloads. When users download and install a desired application from a third-party website, they may unknowingly agree to install additional software alongside it. The additional software is usually the PUP or browser hijacker.
  •  Misleading Advertisements: Some websites and advertisements may mislead users by promoting PUPs or browser hijackers as useful or essential tools. For instance, they may claim that the software will improve the user's browsing experience or offer valuable features, but in reality, these claims are often false or exaggerated.
  •  Fake Software Updates: Unsafe websites or pop-up advertisements may prompt users to update their software, including Web browsers or plugins. However, these update prompts are actually disguised as PUPs or browser hijackers. When users click on the update button, they inadvertently install the unwanted software.
  •  Deceptive Installers: PUPs and browser hijackers may use deceptive installers that employ tricky tactics such as hidden checkboxes, confusing language, or pre-selected options, making it easy for users to agree to install the unwanted software unintentionally.
  •  Unsafe Websites and Redirects: Users might be redirected to unsafe websites through deceptive links or ads. These websites then employ social engineering techniques to convince users to install PUPs or browser hijackers under the guise of something else, such as security software or video player updates.

The primary motive behind these shady practices is usually to generate revenue for the distributors of PUPs and browser hijackers through ad clicks, data collection, or affiliate marketing. It is essential for users to be cautious when downloading software from third-party sources, keep their software up-to-date, use reputable antivirus and antimalware tools, and be attentive to any unexpected changes in their browsers or system behavior to avoid falling victim to these deceptive practices.


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