Threat Database Adware RestMinder


It is true that we all need a break from staring into a computer screen, and it seems that the RestMinder application has taken it upon itself to remind us to take some rest. This is the application's main functionality - showing a reminder screen at a predetermined interval to get you to move your eyes away from the monitor. According to RestMinder's official site, the application's default configuration follows the recommendation by WHO (World Health Organization) to take 5-minute breaks every hour.

Unfortunately, users who have installed the application may not know that they also have agreed to share some of their device's hardware resources and data traffic with RestMinder's operator. The developer of RestMinder is GlobalHop Ltd. and looking through the Privacy Policy reveals that while the user's device is idle and connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi they will use a portion of the device's resources to gather and collect data from public internet resources.

Do note that the application also can use cellular data but promises to do so 'very sparsely.' RestMinder also collects certain information. The gathered data includes the device's IP address and OS version, geolocation such as country and city, network status, charging state and last seen status. Some reports about RestMinder displaying unwanted and intrusive advertisements also are available on the Internet.

Ultimately, you should decide for yourself whether the functionality offered by the application is valuable enough to keep RestMinder present on your device.


RestMinder may create the following directory or directories:


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