
By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 9,843
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 2,113
First Seen: March 17, 2014
Last Seen: August 6, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Reelzhot or the website is adware and a hijacking site known for offering streaming movies. The Reelzhot hijacker may load on your web browser at random or set as your default home page in some cases. Usually Reelzhot is loaded through the installation of random freeware programs obtained from the internet. In such a case, you may be presented with pop-ups from Reelzhot or offers to stream HD movies onto your computer. The Reelzhot service may not provide actual movies but lead to unwanted redirects or downloads of questionable files that could install malware. It is best to discontinue use of Reelzhot and remove it using a trusted antispyware application.


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