Ready Mail New Tab

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 15,620
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 3
First Seen: June 7, 2023
Last Seen: July 24, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Ready Mail New Tab is considered an unwanted browser extension and a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP). Users are often served advertisements during their browsing sessions when using their browser extension, often without realizing that these annoying advertisements are appearing because of the Ready Mail New Tab's presence on their systems. The Ready Mail New Tab also may track the search history data of the users, and utilize that information to serve advertisements that mirror their search queries. The Ready Mail New Tab browser extension also may alter the new tab function of the affected browsers, as its name implies. The Ready Mail New Tab forces the users to view advertisements from various websites belonging to different companies trading on the Web.

Although this doesn't make the Ready Mail New Tab be an unsafe application, it does have behavior that can be used to gain more information about the users and their browsing habits. There also is the risk of the information gained through the use of the Ready Mail New Tab may being sold to third parties for either marketing purposes or something far less benign. In the end, users are advised to remove the Ready Mail New Tab extension from their browser and computers so that they can avoid the advertisements that come with it, as well as its adware functionality.


Ready Mail New Tab may call the following URLs:


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