
Rdsb21.club is a mostly empty website with a single purpose for existing - to propagate a popular browser-based tactic. By employing various manipulative social engineering tactics, these websites try to lure visitors into subscribing to their push notifications. This is achieved by clicking the displayed 'Allow' button.

Among the countless websites dedicated to this tactic, the most widespread tactic is to pretend to be carrying out a captcha check for bots. Rdsb21.club, however, has adopted a different method, and instead, it displays a message prominently that an unspecified file is ready for download. The exact text of the message is:

'Rdsb21.club wants to Show notifications

Click Allow to download'

Falling for the tactic will give Rdsb21.club the necessary autorization to start delivering unwanted advertisements to the affected device directly. The sheer volume of advertisements could start to interfere with the normal use of the device, and by this point, closing the browser itself will not change it. Keep in mind that while by itself, the Rdsb21.club tactic is more annoying than unsafe, clicking on any of the displayed advertisements could take the user to suspicious third-party websites. They could be trying to peddle various Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) or even try to deliver fake software updates carrying malware threats.

Users are strongly encouraged to navigate to the appropriate menu in the 'Settings' of their browser and revoke all of the permissions granted to Rdsb21.club.


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